Freaky Friday!

Was Santa good to you this year???  Last year Roy & I enjoyed being Santa, and this year it was even more fun because Georgie is older and can enjoy the festivities more.  And both girls had a really good morning.

Well, except for the fact that Roy was so excited about Santa leaving presents he decided to wake Curly up (NEVER a good idea) and for awhile, we paid dearly.  But after a fantastic breakfast with Queen Mamaw & King Papaw, opening gifts with Roy’s family, and just having a nice PEACEFUL Christmas, both girls got a GOOD nap and we had a great day together.


Okay, so it’s not so much that Curly & I have traded bodies, as it is that she is just the little spitting image of me far too often for my comfort!  OF COURSE she received a dozen princess dolls, 8 prs of princess shoes, a whole set of princess dressup goodies for Christmas – and she pranced through the house loaded up to the max…  The only thing she wanted from Santa was a pink dress & blue shoes…

Pink Princess

Pink Princess

The ONLY blue shoes "Santa" could find!!! The ONLY blue shoes “Santa” could find!!!

This morning she dressed up and when Roy saw her, he said, “Oh my word! You look so beautiful.”  She puts her hand to her face and tilts her head as if to say, “awwww….”  As I took her picture, she demanded requested that I make sure to include her shoes in the picture…

In all Her Glory!

In all Her Glory!

Georgie on the other hand, got a bunch of animal toys.  Georgie is going to be my “pet” lover – you know – the kind of kid who finds all the wounded or lost neighborhood animals and wants to adopt them.

Kaity and her new pet, "Doggy"

Kaity and her new pet, "Doggy"

Georgie got a new dress, which she is wearing now, but since Santa FORGOT to bring the dozen and a half batteries (All “AA” at least) we need, my camera is out of commission for the moment…  (I use rechargeables, but have nothing to replace them with…)


The girls also received a play tea set – we’ve already had our first tea party – and plan to have many more.  We are going to practice with the set before I take Curly to our first tea room for a REAL tea party…  With my break from blogging recently and some time to just reflect on life, I rediscovered how much I love tea and coffee!  I’ve been drinking a LOT of hot tea lately (mostly  Bigelow Earl Gray), but my intentions for the New Year include trying many new teas & coffees, purchasing some old favorites, and having a little “Tea Time for Me” – even if it’s only 5 minutes a day!!!  I’m even working on a new blog, CuppaLove, where I can really explore my affection for coffee & tea!  The blog will highlight coffee / tea shopping sites to and I will be giving tea & coffee reviews, sharing pictures of my teapot / teacup collections, book reviews, recipes, etc.

So be sure to return here and visit my new blog, Cuppa Love,  if you too are a Coffee / Tea addict lover!

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