You Are What You Eat!

Yep.  It’s been one of those weeks.

Darling Curly flushed something down the toilet.  Not just the regular, expected flushables.   No.  She called it a “round stirrer” and we have no idea what it was.  Needless to say, the flushing mechanism failed, and we now have a new toilet. I won’t go into details about the difficulty it took to get the new one installed, or the many foibles and accidents along the way, but it was an adventure to say the least.

I was granted an extension for my algebra midterm, and an opportunity to retake a quiz I flunked last week.  THANK YOU LORD.  I retook the quiz – flunked again – BUT I reviewed my answers and realized my errors were not based on a lack of understanding the concepts, but rather a problem with basic addition, subtraction, or multiplication error.  ACK!  I’m looking at the silver lining and seeing it as an opportunity to ace the quiz when I take it again.  I “get” the concepts, just have to slow down and work in silence.  Maybe if I get up at 3 a.m. I’ll do great!

I got a card this week from my friend Dawn.  She makes me smile and the card made me laugh out loud.  Here’s what my card says:

Don’t Forget: You Are What You Eat.

I Need to Eat a Skinny Person.

Think it would work???